It doesn't sound like Spurgeon was very interested in joining secret societies of any kind:

"Connected with this, I may say that a name that is written among the living in Zion is a good name. Oh, there is nothing like it. Some men are very anxious to get their names upon the roll of this club or of that, or of some wonderful secret society,—or to get their names into the peerage. It is thought to be a wonderful thing to be a nobleman, though it is better far to be a noble man. But the best list of names on earth seems to me to be the list of the people of God. I should count it a higher honour to be inscribed on the church book of a humble company of baptized believers meeting in a barn than to wear a name imported by the Conqueror, and written in the roll of Battle Abbey. The pedigree of saintship confers honour such as angels recognize; all else they think little of. Are you one of God’s believing people? Have you taken up your cross, resolved to follow Jesus? Do you, as a servant, and as a soldier, bear his name as your Master and Captain? Then you have a good name, and there is a sweetness about it better than the perfume of precious ointment."

C. H. Spurgeon, “The Believer’s Deathday Better than His Birthday,” in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 27 (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1881), 146–147.

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spurgeon hated christmas! seems like a pretty dislikable guy. He hated catholics too. And also was an open freemason, i.e. a luciferian. why he´s become trendy amongst reactionary prots is beyond me.

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I don't know much about this period of history (my learning on it is limited to one course at university over a decade ago!), but I do know that Spurgeon wasn't always best liked. I had thought he was mostly just disliked by his parishioners - so it's interesting to hear that the dislike was actually far wider spread!

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