Michael, they say there's nothing new under the sun, but I must admit, this is the first time in my 49 years of being a Believer that I ever heard these terms. I certainly can live without them. Also, the term "evangelical" is one that I rarely use anymore since it's been so watered down. Serving as a pastor in the Middle East, I met so many pastors that claimed to be evangelical, yet did not believe in basics like the "innerrancy" of Scripture, or the moral law given in scripture. Have you discovered a better, more accurate term for Bible believing Christians? Blessings to you & yours, Denny Barger

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The question, Dennis, is this: can one confess with Clement of Rome, say, and Augustine that the Bible is without error? They do not use the term inerrancy: I thin k the term very helpful, but if it is not to be used there has to be a phrase by which we confess the utter truthfulness of all of God's Word.

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