Moltmann was one of three theologians who provided me with a sort of theological “halfway house” that God used to prevent me from slipping into a full-fledged liberalism during seminary. I wrote a tribute to Moltmann’s part in that here: https://timothypauljones.substack.com/p/what-i-learned-from-jurgen-moltmann

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Excellent essay, dear brother: many thnaks!

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I read his Theology of Hope, and I did not find it compelling. Is that because of my dispensational upbringing? Not to make light of the man as a scholar, but the subjects he dealt with involved a theology of faith. I'll leave it there.

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Wow! When did he die? No notice on Wiki or Google yet?

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See added website URL on my Substack post that reports on this.

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Thanks! Yes - I saw the other posts, too.

I had taken a lecture course with him when I

was at Tubingen - very dynamic and impressive,

though of course his theology skewed...

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